I don't know what to do, because hes made out quite a bit, with his girlfriend (ex now) and I have never in my LIFE.
I refuse to date him because of this, and telling him in NOT an option..
and I don't really fall for the ';if he truely likes you he wont care';
because face it, all guys care.
What would you do in my position?
and for the guys, have you ever dated a bad kisser?Relationship advice. (Guys mostly, please)?
I have dated a bad kisser and it sucks. You can always teach them. dude he kissed her or madeout with her get over it . when you get older you'll relize it doesn't matter what he did before as long as he liks you :)Relationship advice. (Guys mostly, please)?
I have not ever kissed a girl that is not on my priority list
( i have dated 3 different girls so it's not like I have never dated)
If you don't practice with someone, you'll always be in the same position. If you like him and he likes you, go for it. The kissing will come later, and you can get in some good practice.
i've dated bad kissers before, but they learned. and if you are still a bad kisser after a couple weeks then its because your boyfriend is a bad kisser too. just go out with him. seriously he doesn't care if you know how to kiss. he just wants to kiss you. the funnest part about kissing is just doing it, not being good at it. especially when you are young, i remember in junior high, i just kissed girls cause it was cool. back then making out with someone was called ';macking'; (idk if i spelled that right) btw i'm 23
kissing will come natural. he probably is just as nervous as you!! dont worry :)
If you don't ask for respect you won't get it.
Sorry I'm not a guy but i do have some advice. K first of all I know exactly how u feel. I have been in that same position and i was scared i was gonna be a bad kisser and he was gonna go talk about me with all his friends. And honestly i think everyone is a bad kisser when they first start. I told my guy that i never had before and he was way cool about it. like he guided me through it- part ur lips a lil blah blah blah. Haha actually he did go talk about me but it is only cuz i broke his heart. Lol and it wasn't a big deal. Anyways it is better to start practicing when u are younger (u didn't say ur age) cuz kissing is more important when u get older. Besides if he has only made out with his gf a couple times he probably isn't that good either so relax. I would be honest with him about it though but the choice really is urs. But i would go for it! Everything will be fine! I promise! I hope this helps and good luck!!!!!
well... he trys to kiss you... then just kinda act uninterested! kinda move your head back... unless you are ready!
You dont have to tell him!
A bad kisser?
Every kiss is good! just move your tounge and dont be a dead fish! ya know? A kiss shows bondage between 2 people! Dont worry.... if he thinks your bad.... he will help ya a little bit!
Try reading this free e-book called 97 steps to a happy relationship. I've read it (a while ago) and I still think about the advice given in it.
I've dated bad kissers. Some learn, and some get the boot. At your age, most people can't kiss, so don't worry about it. He'll teach you.
So you refuse to date him because he's had sex more times than you? just grow up. Also who decides what a bad kisser is? each person has there own style so there's no such thing.
bad kisser? everyone has to start somewere
If i were you i would go out with the person. Think of it like this, he didn't start out as a good kisser, he had to work on it; it could also be that he isn't even good if you think about it. I have dated a bad kisser but i still continued the relationship because it didn't matter that much.
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