Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girl trouble. Need some advice guys.?

Setting: High School

The scene starts off like this...please bare with me.

There is a certain individual who apparently touches women inappropriately. He has done this for many months now and the school has done nothing to solve the problem. Now one day comes up where he ends up touching the girl im with. First thing i do is consult the dumb *** disciplinarian and tell him the situation. He does nothing so i decide to take it into my own hands.

Long story short, I end up beating the kid down and getting suspended for my FIRST offense for 10 days.

Now when i come back the girl I pretty much fought him for tells me she is with my best friend and that what I did was obsessive and controlling.


Any advice on what to do with her would be lovely. Thanks a ton.Girl trouble. Need some advice guys.?
Tell her you were just trying to protect her and ask her if she would just rather you do nothing when other guys touch her. Or just beat down this other kid to make yourself feel better.

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