Saturday, July 31, 2010

Relationship advice guys and girls please?

im currently dating this wonderful guy. he is 17, im 14, and he keeps telling me how much he loves me and how much he wants to marry me. and that i make him so hard. like he is a virgin and im not and he wants to lose it to me. but like idk if i love him as much as he loves me. i mean he is a great guy! he has a great personality, funny as hell, perverted as anything, which i like, adorable, he's emo, which is sexy!!!!and he treats me so good. he has never been mean to me and we have never got in a fight. what should i do?Relationship advice guys and girls please?
I won't pretend to be able to tell you what to do about your decision, but I will tell you this:

If you DO have sex with him, do not let ANYONE else know, because you're only 14. That means, in EVERY state, he would be guilty of statutory rape, whether you consented or not, or even if you made the first move. The law says that at 14 you are not old enough to make that kind of a decision, and he WOULD be arrested.Relationship advice guys and girls please?
First of all, there's no reason to be having sex with this guy. You don't even know if you see yourself with him for the long haul. Sex really complicates things and if you sleep with him, he will feel even worse if things don't work out between you two. We can't help who we fall head over heels for, and we can't 'convince' ourselves to fall in love (even with a totally great guy) if it just doesn't happen. I think you should tell him you want to see where the relationship goes for another five months or so and then you'll see how you feel. If he loves you, he'll wait. And by then, you'll probably know better if you really see yourself ending up with this guy.
ok, im 14 too and i personaly wouldnt do it, because however much you try to put it aside hes way older than u.

wich means if u do have sex with him them he can be arrested, wich i gather u soo dont want!,

but i no you probably know all this already so im gonna say,

take it slow wiv him, im not saying u cant touch, but i wouldnt take it further than a make out :)

by tha way he sounds cute ;p emo boiis rule =D hope ive helped ya
You could help him loose it, but I think you should make sure that you really love him and that he's not using you. I'm not saying he would, just open up to the possiblities.
how long have you been dating?

if he really loves you and wants to marry you, he wouldnt be so adament about the sex
  • maybelline
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